Global Express Travel

Lynn Kawadler

Professional Vacation Planner

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Why choose me as your Professional Vacation Planner?

Over thirty years ago I slipped a wedding band on my finger, packed a knapsack and backpacked Europe for a summer on my honeymoon. Thus began the two great love affairs of my life, my husband and travel. Fortunately both have sustained the test of time.


Between then and now I built one of the largest travel agencies in Massachusetts. I recently sold that business and have returned to my roots, Personal Vacation Planning for busy discriminating travelers. Over the years I have built a personal following that has included notable people in business, entertainment and politics.  The one common thought all my clients share is that they understand that time is the most valuable thing in our lives. Most of my clients do not have the freedom to do the research to plan their vacations either on their own or through the internet. They depend on my first hand worldwide destination knowledge and my contacts in the travel industry to ensure they get the vacation they expect.   I even have clients that trust my judgment enough to  say to me ﮒt give us choices just tell me where you are sending usমbsp;


One of the first questions prospective clients ask is ᮠI get better rates on the internet殢sp; This is an internet myth. Yes you may get some better rates for blocked group space but the converse is true, travel agents, myself included, in many cases can provide their clients with the same or better rates then can be found on the internet.  In fact internet sellers like Travelocity and Expedia utilize the same quality suppliers that I use such as Abercrombie & Kent and Tauck Tours and we all get the same rates. Prospective clients also tell me that they pay no service fees to book a vacation on the internet. I not only charge no service fees for most vacation planning but I can provide expertise, personal involvement and first hand knowledge that far exceeds anything you can expect from online sellers or inexperienced travel agents. Experience does make a difference.      


If what I堳aid makes sense and you don࡬ready have an experienced Professional Vacation Planner helping you plan your time away, please consider me.


Global Express Travel * Framingham * MA * 01701


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